A Little About Me
"But... I retain the right to be incredibly moved by those little things that nobody notices."
Just before the Pandemic of 2020 arrived in the USA... in the midst of a Detroit winter, I watched the movie, "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?" with Cate Blanchett. Something her character, Bernadette, said so resonated with me deep down in my soul that I felt really seen. "But... I retain the right to be incredibly moved by those little things that nobody notices." This quote still tugs at me and somehow I feel it capturing my imagination and setting the stage to "a little about me".
I can sit for hours with rocks, trees and their leaves, flowers, birds, books, people and their stories and lives that need to be shared around a pot of tea. I've seen more of the world than my younger self ever imagined. I've changed my mind, views, favorite color, foods I love, perspectives, and my style multiple times. I dabble, and I dive deep. I can be both decisive and indecisive. I've experienced sitting with grief and joy and sometimes both simultaneously, and I continue learning how to do this. I have gleaned from the concept and reality of paradox. I'm a human, a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt, a friend, a wife, a mother, and recently a grandmother. I've had multiple paid jobs since I was 10.5 years old. I've raised four children, had three miscarriages and moved domestically and internationally 17 times in 35 years of marriage.
My name is Cathren Cougill... but I've been called Cat nearly since the day I was born. I now live in Salt Lake City, Utah... but I'm not quite yet able to call myself a Utahn. Please join me on my journey of writing discovery by reading the different parts of my website and reaching out to me whenever you like. Thanks for joining me.