bird by bird
bird by bird Some Instructions on Writing and Life
by Anne Lamott
published in 1995 by Doubleday
I picked up and put down this book over the span of about 5 years… and it always seemed to meet me right were I was in life or in my squabbles with writing. Anne Lamott is an amazing author, and her authenticity continues to spur me on. The chapters in bird by bird became like homey nests of comfort to sit with in my own observations and ponderings. The book spoke to me and encouraged my wanderings and my processes, my weirdness and how I see. This book makes space for the messy rooms of our ideas and feelings and then ever so quietly hones the writing process into opportunities and directions. Anne takes the smallest observation and wraps it in the warmth of her words and her own curiosities. In doing this herself, she examines and displays her writing process as a benefit, and pleasure for others. She is a true encourager! This is a perfect book to continue reading over and over and daily bit by bit.