Everything Happens For a Reason

Everything Happens For A Reason — And Other Lies I’ve Loved
by Kate Bowler
published in 2018 by Random House

If you know me at all, you might know that I actually despise this common saying “everything happens for a reason” and others like it. However, I took this book with me last year to San Antonio as a trip-read. I adore Kate Bowler’s podcast — “Everything Happens”. I’ve read and adored two other books of hers and thought I needed to read this one too.

I think Kate’s most glorious gift in writing is her ever present and most fulfilling ability to weave the thick thread of humor into every paragraph she writes and even into the tone in which she speaks. Even though I don’t care about the “world’s largest cherry pie” or the world’s most spectacular anything - I find myself caring and being entertained by the fact that she does and how it brings her great joy. Kate eloquently brings to the forefront the — in between, the ambiguous, and the oppressed. She exposes the systems that overlook and build on the backs of or take no notice of those that are suffering for and because of the “said” system. Her writing helps one to understand when understanding no longer seems to be an option… exploring and wondering if understanding is perhaps no longer a viable goal.


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