HORSE… a novel
HORSE… a novel
by Geraldine Brooks
Published by Viking in 2022
“They were, all of them, lost to a narrative untethered to anything he recognized as true.” These words when I came across them on page 337 caused me to re-read and let them sink into me! Ms. Brooks once again brilliantly corrects old well-worn stories of history—and exposes them through a new and less clearly cut lens told and retold by the victors. She weaves art, history, science, politics, racial divides, current struggles and a plethora of nuance together into this beautifully written work of historical fiction. Her imagination is captivating and the movement and intertwining of old and current stories is like fighter pilots cobra-ing during training. The balance and cadence of her writing feels musical as foreshadow is hidden and revealed through the crescendo of words.
Not only her love of horses comes through eloquently on the page—but her research and understanding of the history and industry of horses is incredible. Once again, I so appreciate her international vantage point expressed through multiple continents and countries. I always feel a smidgen smarter after reading her beautiful books. Her tenderness and alternative ways of painting with words, stories and lessons we need to hear leave me encouraged, enriched, strengthened and renewed.